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Those of us working with families going through divorce can now benefit from significant quantities of high quality, insightful academic research to help us achieve the best possible outcomes for children. It is this academic research that forms the core of the 'What About Henry? training.















What about Henry? summarises the most up-to-date and relevant findings in a focused and grounded way to make your practice more psychologically informed and child centered.

This acclaimed training course is specifically designed to give any professional working with parents a deeper understanding of how children see the world and how separation can impact on their lives.


What about Henry? is a training course specifically designed to give any professional working with parents a deeper understanding of how separation and divorce can impact on children’s lives.


What about Henry? is written and delivered by Clinical Psychologist, Dr Angharad Rudkin.


Learning outcomes:


  • a greater understanding of what it means to “put the child’s needs first”

  • awareness of developmental differences and how they impact on a child's experience of divorce

  • knowledge of theories around communication, parenting and well-being which will improve your understanding and insight into your relationships with your clients

  • increased confidence in handling difficult issues and managing multiple family members' needs

  • 8 learning hours from a CPD accredited course


Who is this course designed for?


This programme has been specially prepared for Family Law Solicitors/Trainees, Paralegals, Mediators, Barristers, Chartered Legal Executives, Counsellors, Family Support Workers, Children’s Guardians, Family Court Advisors, Social Workers, Teachers, Magistrates, Divorce Coaches, Child Contact Centre Staff, Therapists, Counsellors and Parent Coaches.



As a Social Enterprise is it our aim to make this training as accessible as possible. We have done our best to reflect this in the pricing which you can find HERE.








Bringing Science To Separation 

So Children Can Flourish


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The training for professionals working with families going through separation and divorce.


OnlyMums & Dads Director of Training, Clinical Psychologist Dr Angharad Rudkin, MA (Oxon)

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